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LayerProcGen v0.1.0
Layer-based infinite procedural generation
▼CAbstractDataLayer | Internal. Non-generic base class for all layers |
▼CAbstractChunkBasedDataLayer | Internal. Non-generic class that ChunkBasedDataLayer inherits from |
CChunkBasedDataLayer< L, C > | In a layer-and-chunk pair of classes, the layer inherits from this class |
CCollectionExtensions | |
CCrd | |
▼CDebugOption | The central class in a system for quickly specifying debug options |
CDebugButton | |
▼CDebugFoldout | |
▼CDebugToggle | |
CDebugRadioButton | |
▼CEditor | |
CGenerationSourceEditor | |
▼CEditorWindow | |
CDebugOptionsWindow | |
CFBPPChooser | |
CForwardingUnityWrapper | |
▼CIBinarySerializable | |
CPoint | |
CPoint3 | |
▼CIChunkBasedDataLayer | |
CChunkBasedDataLayer< L, C > | In a layer-and-chunk pair of classes, the layer inherits from this class |
▼CIEnumerable | |
CRollingGrid< T > | Represents an infinite 2D array, used by layers to store chunks in |
▼CIEquatable | |
CDFloat | |
CDPoint | |
CDPoint3 | |
CGridBounds | |
CGridBounds3 | |
CPoint | |
CPoint3 | |
CILayerVisualization | |
▼CILC | Represents a layer "user" that requires data within the specified bounds |
▼CAbstractLayerChunk | Internal. Non-generic class that LayerChunk inherits from |
CLayerChunk< L, C > | In a layer-and-chunk pair of classes, the chunk inherits from this class |
▼CIPool | |
▼CIPool< T > | Represents an object pool that poolable objects can be retrieved from and returned to |
CObjectPool< T > | |
▼CIPool< List< T > > | |
CListPool< T > | |
▼CIPool< T[,,]> | |
CArray3DPool< T > | |
▼CIPool< T[,]> | |
CArray2DPool< T > | |
▼CIPool< T[]> | |
CArrayPool< T > | |
▼CIPoolable | Represents a poolable object that can be used with the ObjectPool class |
CSimpleProfiler.ProfilerInfo | |
CAbstractLayerChunk | Internal. Non-generic class that LayerChunk inherits from |
▼CIQueuedAction | Interface for actions enqueued to be processed on the main thread |
CQueuedCallback | A callback to be enqueued to be called on the main thread. Automatically created when using the methods on MainThreadActionQueue that take a System.Action as parameter |
CQueuedGameObjectDestruction | A GameObject destruction to enqueue to be performed on the main thread |
CLayerDependency | A layer's dependency on another with a specified level and padding |
CVisualizationManager.LayerLevelVis | |
CLayerManager | The central LayerManager that takes care of generating the required chunks |
CLayerNamedReference | |
CVisualizationManager.LayerSpec | |
CLogg | A simple wrapper for logging messages, warnings and errors |
CMainThreadActionQueue | Enqueue actions from generation threads to be processed on the main thread |
▼CMonoBehaviour | |
CCallbackHub | |
CDebugDrawer | A utility for drawing lines for debug visualizations |
CDebugOptions | |
CGenerationSource | Unity component that creates a TopLayerDependency |
CLayerManagerBehavior | Unity component that wraps the LayerManager class |
CVisualizationManager | A manager for displaying various visualizations of data layers |
CPoolManager | |
CSimpleProfiler.ProfilerHandle | |
▼CPropertyDrawer | |
CGridBounds3Drawer | |
CGridBoundsDrawer | |
CLayerNamedReferenceDrawer | |
CLayerSpecDrawer | |
CPoint3Drawer | |
CPointDrawer | |
CRandomHash | |
CRollingGrid< C > | |
CRunevisionUnityExtensions | |
CSimpleProfiler | Tool for measuring where time is spent in long-running processes |
CStateObject | |
▼CStateWrapper | |
CStateWrapper< T > | |
CTopLayerDependency | All generation starts with one or more top level dependencies at the root |
CTransformWrapper | Transform stand-in that chunks can create outside of the main thread |
CTypeExtensions | |
CWorkTracker | |
▼CWorldState | |
▼CWorldStateBinary | |
CWorldStateFBPP | |
CWorldStateLocal |